We offer comprehensive Insurance Services systems maintained by trained accounting.
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35. Co-relation of import consignment with corresponding export consignment — The Unit shall account for the entire quantity of goods imported or procured duty free, by way of export, sales or supplies in Domestic Tariff Area or transfer to other Special Economic Zone Unit or
Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology Park Unit or Software Technology Park Unit or Bio-technology Park Unit or bonded
warehouses and the balance held in stock:
Provided that at no point of time the Unit shall be required to corelate every import consignment with its export or transfer to other Special
Economic Zone Unit or Export Oriented Unit or Electronic Hardware Technology Park Unit or Software Technology Park Unit or Bio-technology
Park Unit or sales in Domestic Tariff Area or supply to bonded warehouses except in case of goods covered under proviso to clause (d) of sub-rule
(4) of rule 18 and goods held as stock and the Unit may adopt ‘First- in-First-Out’ method and a consignment which has been received first,
shall be deemed to have been utilized first.
Our Services
Investment Services
We offer comprehensive Investment Services systems maintained by trained accoun.
Due Diligence and Advisory Ser
We offer comprehensive Due Diligence and Advisory Services systems maintained by traine.
Corporate Services
We offer comprehensive Corporate Services systems maintained by trained accounting.
What We Do
Tax Consulting
We offer comprehensive Tax Consulting systems maintained by trained accounting professionals. This local service coul...
Due Diligence
Investors, bankers and acquirers rely on Due Diligence as a standard of care during Mergers and ...
Taxation Services
We offer comprehensive Taxation Services systems maintained by trained accounting professionals. This local service could be...